Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year 2012

Happy new year folks.. Have a wonderful day and enjoy the new beginning. On this new year I would like to share one thing only. That can be considered has sensitive issue since it involving religion matter. The issue is involving your religion new year and general new year.

Yeah, you may came from non-Christine religion but you gotta understand the practical of countdown on 31 Dec midnight. It is the beginning of new year my friend!!! No matter which you are from you gotta admit it. Ok, fine if you are so religious but please don't condemn the countdown and 1 Jan like asking "What new year?". You reflecting your most stupidest attitude.

I'm non-Christine person but I do celebrate new year on 1 Jan and also according the religious new year. It is fine to celebrate both because no religions banned you celebrating it. Please don't put barrier around you and blame your religion. I gotta two words for people like them, "Grow Up".

Lastly, enjoy the new year and come up with new resolutions my friends. Doesn't matter we gonna accomplished or not, we should have new goals on new year.

Happy New Year 2012

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