Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Never Ending Gangsterism
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Maxis Girl
What you (boy) will do when you have a crush on a girl that working in booth in a shopping complex that you visit regularly? Before the arrival of the girl to the shopping complex, you went there when really need only and that also with friends. After the arrival of the girl, you went there even to buy a test pad. Why, test pad in regular book store all finish already? Or suddenly, you figure out that buying in bigger shopping mall is cheaper because they bought in large bulk and can get less about 15 cent. Cut the crap dude. All of us knew that we have not reach the age for going after cheaper price yet.
Just for curiosity, how long will you take to talk to the girl you just met and you have crush on her? Immediately? Several hours? Several days? Ok, is it ok if it took about 6 months to have the courage to talk to her? Ok fine. You got the strength to voice to her is already good enough rather than 'peeping' her while go on 'shopping'. By the way, the conversation will be about? You already waited for 6 months here, and of course you don't want ask her "Hi, do you sell top up here" after such a long time. Haha.
Well, my friend did it. Not exactly asking top up, he asked what promotion do they have for maxis user. After several explanation, he came back with expression of won a big war on his face. One question made him totally disappointed, "What is her name". Nobody ones. After 6 months waiting, build up the strength to confront a girl , brave enough to talk to her and finally become a mere passer-by who stops to ask questions to kill his/her free time.
The best part is he still continue 'peeping' her while 'shopping' and I'm not sure how long this activity will continue. So, what category you want put this love story? It is up to you.
Wednesday, 11 April 2012
Dragon Ball in Our Life

something after doing it for some time (Saiyan race gets better at fighting after each fight). I'm not trying to say that we all gotta find each a sparing partner and we also get better at fighting. For instance we take Mathematics, if we have doing it since young age, 1+1 sure would not be a problem. The more your practice your maths, the faster you can calculate a problem. You might
ask, "How about Super Saiyan?". Yeah, of course you won't be doing the simple add up problems for long. After a while you might jump to tougher question which involve minus, multiplication, fraction or combined problem. Every time you move from one level to another tougher level, you
improvise yourself (Super Saiyan can become Super Saiyan 2 and so on).
from others. By having this 'tail' you can easily excel in your respected field even tough you ever competing with tougher person. However, keep in mind that everyone has their own 'tail' where it different from one to another.

Saturday, 7 April 2012
A Hindu itself is the threat to the Hinduism.
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
What Happening To Our SPM Indian Student???
Monday, 5 March 2012
Klang Valley Gangsta's
Sure most of us have heard of groups like 08, 24, 36 and 77 and a lot more numerical groups. So, what that numbers stands for? Gangster groups and mostly I think formed by Indian
community in Malaysia. I'm not sure whether these groups fame internationally or not? So, what's about these groups? Am I going to talk about the o
rigin of these groups? Do I know the background of these groups? The answer will be... I got a lot better works to do rather than research those stupid numerical groups.
I have heard a lot stories regarding these retarded groups that makes feel I should share this publicly. Firstly, group 08 where this is quite famous group since the rumors telling that the leader of the group is the well known Indian party politician. While I was studying in KL, I found out a flat where those gang member staying.

There were a lot of stories about the flat where once was a gang fight at the flat, meeting between different gang leaders and few more. Most of the story I heard from friends who were studying near there. One interesting story is UTM KL hostel located next to the flat and I was one of UTM student and staying at the hostel. Through 3 years I staying there, I never saw any scenario that resemble gang fight or gang meeting.
And yet, there are stories of my seniors telling me that about the gang fight and gang meeting which I will be missed out. That story will be known by only the story teller and his close friends. It's like there were the only students stayed at hostel when the incidence happen. And they will have contribution in the story where their relation was the leader of group or they ask help of the gang to solve certain issue. And as the time goes, I start questioning myself whether all that stories are true or simply made up by my seniors to gain fame?
By end of my studies in UTM, I confirmed that there are no such activities happening at the flat. I can confirm it because I was doing home tuition in a house at that flat. I like going to the flat quite often never saw anything as what I heard. So, my question is... Is the story about gang member 08 staying there is true or just a build up story? If it is really true also, how come the resident in the flat itself does not knew about it?
Next group...

Picture taken from other blog
Can you see the centre left of the picture? Most of you will see number 4 with unique way of writing. Actually that is the symbol of group 24 where combination of number 2 and 4 as one. Well, that is quite artistic for a gangster group who has quite low interest in art. Sure most of seen this symbol near the TNB building, bus stop and quite number of place. The question... What is the purpose of spraying so? Their territory? So, which one is their territory? The staircase (only gang member can use it) or the wall near the staircase (only gang member can touch the wall) or the apartment is belong to them (only gang member is staying there).
If you really want make a place as your territory, please do it with a manly way rather than simply spray your symbol somewhere. One fun fact, animals also divide their territory by spraying their urine. So, gangster of 24... which category are you? o.O
Next is 36...
This group is quite interesting where they claim that their group's godfather is Bob Marley. I'm pretty sure that even Bob Marley also would be surprised to hear that. XD. This group as the theme colours that are 'Green', 'Yellow' and 'Red'. Hey, wait a minute, that is the traffic light colours. Yeah, that's what I questioned at first or maybe they the one invent the traffic light colours.
Friday, 6 January 2012
3 S Rules