Dragon Ball... Sure most of us have known the Dragon Ball story during our childhood. I'm not sure about nowadays kids because they more into technology generation where mostly don't watch anime or read comic books. Well, I grew up watching those anime and reading the comics. However, I'm not gonna talk about either the Dragon Ball or Goku & his friends here. I'll try to related this fiction story with our daily lifestyle so that we would not look this as not just mere story at all.
1) Dragon Ball

The Dargon Ball
The Eternal Dragon
The legendary dragon that will appear to fulfill our wish after we have collected all 7 dragon balls. Of course, there not gonna be a real dragon to fulfill our wish in real life. In order to get something, we must believe that it will happen if we work hard enough (that's dragon, your believe). Next is work hard to achieve it where believe only not enough (gotta collect all 7 dragon balls). In order to achieve your in easy way, you gotta work some tools (the dragon radar to collect the dragon ball) where in this case your knowledge and experience. Or else, you will still achieve your dream but need longer time (as what Vegeta and Freeza did on planet Namek).
2) Saiyan Race
I believe that we all can be categorised as Saiyan race because we all got the ability to do better
something after doing it for some time (Saiyan race gets better at fighting after each fight). I'm not trying to say that we all gotta find each a sparing partner and we also get better at fighting. For instance we take Mathematics, if we have doing it since young age, 1+1 sure would not be a problem. The more your practice your maths, the faster you can calculate a problem. You might
ask, "How about Super Saiyan?". Yeah, of course you won't be doing the simple add up problems for long. After a while you might jump to tougher question which involve minus, multiplication, fraction or combined problem. Every time you move from one level to another tougher level, you
improvise yourself (Super Saiyan can become Super Saiyan 2 and so on).
something after doing it for some time (Saiyan race gets better at fighting after each fight). I'm not trying to say that we all gotta find each a sparing partner and we also get better at fighting. For instance we take Mathematics, if we have doing it since young age, 1+1 sure would not be a problem. The more your practice your maths, the faster you can calculate a problem. You might
ask, "How about Super Saiyan?". Yeah, of course you won't be doing the simple add up problems for long. After a while you might jump to tougher question which involve minus, multiplication, fraction or combined problem. Every time you move from one level to another tougher level, you
improvise yourself (Super Saiyan can become Super Saiyan 2 and so on).
3) Saiyan has tail?
Goku is far better than his friend Kulin because he is a Saiyan and every Saiyan has tail. Oh well, I see the tail indicating one should be a little different if you want to be compete with someone in your same field (Goku and his friends involve in Martial Arts). In real life, you will compete with others for maybe a higher position in work, to grab better opportunity or anything else. In order to get what you want when competing with others, you shall have your 'tail' to be a little different
from others. By having this 'tail' you can easily excel in your respected field even tough you ever competing with tougher person. However, keep in mind that everyone has their own 'tail' where it different from one to another.
from others. By having this 'tail' you can easily excel in your respected field even tough you ever competing with tougher person. However, keep in mind that everyone has their own 'tail' where it different from one to another.
4) Goten and Trunks easily become Super Saiyan meanwhile Goku, Gohan and Vegeta have
difficult time. Why?

Goten and Trunks in Super Saiyan form

Goten and Trunks become serious.
Well this is my theory, when Gohan is born, Goku was not achieve the Super Saiyan status. So, all Goku, Gohan and Vegeta have gone through hard time to achieve the Super Saiyan status. Goten and Trunks born after their fathers achieve the Super Saiyan status thus, they also able to become Super Saiyan easily compare to their fathers and Gohan. Well, you have reach a certain level in the society, you can't expect your children to go through what you have gone through at young age (Similar, your children or brothers or sisters playing with real handphone or laptop while you was playing with the made of plastic). You have to accept the fact that your next generation status climbs up as your status going up. What you can do is make sure they handling with proper concern as how Goten and Trunks were guided by their parents, sibling and family friends regarding their power.
I can keep on relating many things from Dragon Ball to our lifestyle but I hope you guys can find out itself and make it as positive guideline through your life. I hope this article would be an interesting article for those Dragon Ball fans out there. I'm also a die hard fan of Dragon Ball and I hope more people will watch or read this story pass it to your next generation.

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